COASST is operating from off-campus for the time-being, and we are working on ways to stay connected and serve you! Look for more activity on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, blog and videos!
Know that we completely understand that current guidelines may impact your ability to survey in the short-term. Please follow local public health authority recommendations and respect any public land closures. We can handle a missed survey or two!
Where still possible, we are hearing that COASST surveys are an important part of your routines – an excuse to get outside, feel connected to nature, and stay active. Your health, safety and comfort of are of upmost importance, so whatever you do, take care!

Here are some tips for surveying with social distancing in mind:
- If your survey requires access to a parking lot or restrooms that are closed, stay home
- Stay home if you feel sick!
- If you survey alone, or with family members you live with, survey as normal
- If your survey partner(s) are outside of your household:
- and you normally carpool, drive separately
- divide tasks so that only one person is touching supplies for the day
- use disposable gloves
- bring hand sanitizer and use it to clean all COASST kit materials (clip board, measuring devices, photo ruler, slate, field guide cover, rope handles) before and after your survey
- keep a six-foot distance (your “wingspan” plus your partner’s – no fingers touching) between yourself and others
- this means you may have to take-turns getting a good look at a carcass or piece of marine debris
- for medium debris surveys, five meters is much longer than six feet (16.4 in fact), just be sure to disinfect the rope handles between uses
Upcoming events and trainings have been postponed. We’ll be rescheduling as soon as possible.