Staff Profile

Welcome Anna!

This month the COASST office team is pleased to announce our new Participant Coordinator: Anna Vallery!

Like many seabirds, Anna is no stranger to long-distance travel. Anna was born in Texas, but spent a portion of her childhood in Italy. (uauo!) She has worked in Texas, Florida, California, Ohio, and on Midway Atoll. Anna has studied waterbirds at every opportunity, and she earned her Master’s degree in Environmental Science and Biology from the University of Houston.

Citizen science has been a big part of her career, and Anna brings years of experience working with the Christmas Bird Count, Nurdle Patrol, and Houston Audubon’s Plastic Pollution and Lights Out for Birds programs.

We are lucky to have Anna with us in Seattle this year, guiding our undergraduate intern program and lending assistance to new and returning COASSTers in virtual spaces – from webinars to email, blogs, and newsletters. You can reach her at the usual COASST contacts: or 206-221-6893.

Anna holding the attention of many new ‘trainees’ at Midway Atoll

As coastal communities begin to open up in the next year we hope that you’ll welcome Anna as one of our new trainers as well. She can’t wait to meet you!

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